Monday 28 March 2011

You like?

Me like.

I can't stop looking at them :D

I'm not sure about the 'forget me not' design but my husband really likes it. Only because you can use the bookmark (he's very practical). I like that feature too but maybe the background is too busy? It looks so much better in person, so maybe it's just the photo. Fingers crossed.

Making ten cards last week wasn't too tough so my goal this week, is to create another ten.

I showed my mom this morning and I think she was impressed!

Last, week I convinced my parents to 'invest' some cash into my new project so it only felt right to allow her a peek :).

I really want to start building my portfolio and I look forward to showing my friends and family!!

Oh and just so it's on record... I'm very lucky to have a very supportive husband! He loves all of my designs (thus far) and did an awesome job taking the photos. I love you and big kiss with delicious onion breath!

Sunday 27 March 2011

Card No. 10

{a glass of wine}
{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 9

{water melon}

{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 8

{love scene}

{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 7

{yellow there}

{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 6

{salt and flower}

{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 5

{once upon a star}

{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 4

{forget me not}

{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 3

{button fly}

{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 2

{no strings attached}

{designed by extraonions}

Card No. 1

{my pink fairytale}

{designed by extraonions}

Thursday 24 March 2011

Good start.

Too bad I don't do this for a living! I'm having so much fun and there just isn't enough time in a day!

I've already prepared 8 different designs.

I'll revisit my work in a couple of days so I can edit with fresh eyes. I want to be 100% happy with each card. There's a part of me who wants to kick this in high gear and produce as many as possible and as quickly as possible. However, I want to be proud of my work.

I need to be patient. If it takes me one day to complete one design, then it will take one day.

Meanwhile, I've been spending quite a lot of time in our local craft stores. I've already spent $150.


No more... well, no more after one more visit :D

I know but it's so hard to pass up a good sale! I just have to make sure that I actually use the things I bought otherwise that's $150 down the drain.

Well, that's all for now.

Monday 21 March 2011

Yay for onions.

Yay indeed.

I've finally decided on pursuing my long-time passion: card-making!

I want to use this blog to diarize my little adventure. Not sure where this is going to take me, but let's hope that by the end of the year, I've created a few wonderful pieces.

I'd like to give them away as gifts and maybe make a little money: stickers, embellishments, ribbons, paper, envelopes... they all add up!

What is my goal?

Nothing else would make me happier than to hear friends, family and strangers screaming "I want extra onions!"