Monday 18 July 2011

Christmas in July

I made my first Christmas card today, though, I'm not 100% happy with it. Cry, cry. It's so cute too but I messed up with the glue. I'll hold onto it, maybe I can fix it later.

So today is official. I've decided to get a head start on some holiday designs so that I'll have a lot by November. My plan is to let my 'preferred customers' know that I will not be taking custom orders for Christmas but will have a ready-made selection for them to choose from. That way it will be easy-peasy and stress-free.

My new goal is to make 100 variety of Christmas or holiday cards by mid-November. A little bit ambitious maybe but I think I can do it. I haven't decided yet if I want to post my Christmas cards as I make them or wait until November to post all of them. Errrr, that's going to be a lot of work. Decisions, decisions!


  1. Oooh I wanna seeee. ;) I am going to attempt to make Christmas cards, but just for the hubby, the kidlet, and the parentals. I can't go all crazy right out of the gate. I think I have made like... 3 cards before, and they were okay at best. !!
    Wish me luck! LOL

  2. Yay for Christmas cards :D Maybe you can post them on your site?! I'll show you mine, if you show me yours? hhehe.

    I've already made 3 Christmas cards... 97 to go. Errr, maybe I'll re-edit my post and change it to 50 or something less daunting :P.
